Christmas · Films: E · Reviews: E
Everybody’s Fine
A film with a few inspired moments – mostly towards the end – sprinkled in with a whole lot of awkward, even mean, portions. The result is a major disappointment.
Reviews and news from the world of film.
Christmas · Films: E · Reviews: E
A film with a few inspired moments – mostly towards the end – sprinkled in with a whole lot of awkward, even mean, portions. The result is a major disappointment.
If it looks like Lost, if it sounds like Lost and it skips around in time like Lost, you’re probably watching FlashForward. Using several familiar faces from the show and[…]
Has a strong visual style but a horrible story.
Filled with a creative spirit that takes strong ideas and blends comedy, action and commentary oh so seamlessly.
Draws you in with the smaller dramas rather than whacking you over the head with something huge.
Takes pain and loss and gives it a slightly glossy treatment that holds the drama but doesn’t quite get to the point of complete emotional puppetry.
Dark and edgy, it goes beyond traditional thrillers and infuses a deep sense of emotion and commentary to create a truly dynamic production.
At times serious, others farcical, it’s a film that ignores expectations and creates an experience that’s like a helium balloon. It slowly lets itself out before finally settling.
A film that raises many interesting ideas but follows through on few of them.
All episodes share the same breezy attitude and distracting production values.