Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
Sticks to the familiar but he does it in such a way that it’s still extremely creepy, a little bit campy and, at times, quite a lot of fun.
Reviews and news from the world of film.
Sticks to the familiar but he does it in such a way that it’s still extremely creepy, a little bit campy and, at times, quite a lot of fun.
Although the drama goes a little too Shakespearian at times to the point of predictability, the show’s an intelligent and human take on a subject that is normally either idolized or cartoonized.
Several anti-war films have come along in the past couple of years calling out the war in Iraq. They’ve covered various conspiracies, big personalities and the front lines. But, perhaps, none have been as human as Neil Abramson’s American Son.
Adventureland finds much of its comedy in its often brutal honesty.
While not at its best, it’s still a smarter and funnier show than nearly everything else you’re bound to find on TV, DVD or some basement box holding some slowly rotting bootleg VHS tapes of a show that lasted six episodes back in 1986.
Watching the cartoon now, it’s tough to get beyond the character stereotypes as there’s so many to keep track of as the Joe roll call changes with each new set of action figures that rolled out.
A funny, often hilarious, film that proves that a story doesn’t need to be completely new just as long as there’s a spin on it to make it different.
Boring, annoying and not funny, Pete’s Dragon is one of the dullest films from Disney that I’ve ever seen.
The film is sweet and innocent, just as one might expect. While not horrible, I can’t heap praise on it either.
Boring and unoriginal, this new version might have some fancy visuals and a loud soundtrack but they’re just a smokescreen for how boring and lifeless the film is.