Becoming Jane
Even though it looked great and was moderately engaging, something was also always missing.
Reviews and news from the world of film.
Even though it looked great and was moderately engaging, something was also always missing.
The reason why Gone Baby Gone works so well is the attention to which Boston is portrayed. The urban neighbourhood is like another character in an already strong cast, one that has needs and desires just like everyone else.
The Aristocats is largely an up-scale cat version of 101 Dalmatians minus the deliciously dastardly villain.
Cloverfield brings chaos and terror in one of the most memorable American monster films in some time.
A poorly animated tale that offers little new to the genre or the Dungeons and Dragons franchise in which it is based.
Offering an iconic lead, a bag filled with various villains and a classic Western structure, Gunsmoke manages to entertain more than 50 years after it first aired.
On the surface, Stardust looks like a cheesy little fluff fantasy. In many ways it is. Yet at the same time, it’s also the most fun I’ve had with a film since watching the first Pirates of the Caribbean.
A complex crime drama that limits its action, opting to save it for the times that bring the greatest impact.
The Tudors is a lush and addicting look at history filled with period delights. However it’s also got its symbolic mirror reflecting right back at us as it comments on the sometimes sleazy state of our western world.
Provides an alternative to the often very graphic and gratuitous horror films of Hollywood.