Christmas · Films: S · Reviews: S
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
Like a car accident unfolding before your eyes, it’s impossible to look away even if only to see how just bad it can get.
Reviews and news from the world of film.
Christmas · Films: S · Reviews: S
Like a car accident unfolding before your eyes, it’s impossible to look away even if only to see how just bad it can get.
Christmas · Films: E · Reviews: E
A reminder [that] movies don’t always have to be deep or artful to be enjoyable. Sometimes all you need is fun and a short nostalgia fix.
Christmas · Films: M · Reviews: M
While [this] version of the Christmas spirit on trial as written by John Hughes isn’t awful, it’s also more disappointing than Seaton’s take nearly half a century earlier.
Christmas · Films: J · Reviews: J
In making it horribly bad, Jack Frost is at the very least entertaining. And is there anything else you could ask for from a B-movie about a serial-killing snowman?
Christmas · Films: H · Reviews: H
In adding material, The Grinch loses much of its rhythm and the heart within it shrinks three sizes right along with it.
Christmas · Films: A · Reviews: A
Generic at its core, the idea behind the movie is valiant enough but happy themes aren’t enough to carry an otherwise boring film.
Although visually impressive, At World’s End is a bitter disappointment considering how fresh and exciting the crew was just a few years ago.
Christmas · Films: N · Reviews: N
A magical celebration of the imagination.
Christmas · Films: J · Reviews: J
Every year the DVD will [be] displayed as though it’s worthy of renting. But it’s out because it takes place around the holidays, not because it belongs to be there.
Christmas · Films: M · Reviews: M · Uncategorized
Takes consumerism and…condemns it in a meaningful and thought-provoking way.