Capturing the Friedmans
Capturing the Friedmans is a film that goes beyond what you’re watching on the screen. I left asking questions about how I was viewing it.
Reviews and news from the world of film.
Capturing the Friedmans is a film that goes beyond what you’re watching on the screen. I left asking questions about how I was viewing it.
If you can convince a theater manager or lowly high school corn monkey to let you into the final half hour…for a few bucks, you won’t be disappointed. But that’s the only part worth seeing.
Let’s leave the poking fun at Canadians to those who do it best – Canadians.
An old-fashioned cowboy movie that sticks to the genre’s roots with a little jigging and tweaking to remain relevant for current audiences.
A 90-minute collection of clever and frank dialogue about sex and relationships.
There’s a ton of interesting background material lurking beneath these characters. It looks like a case of someone perhaps simply picking the wrong story to tell with them.
Has the feeling of a breathing issue of National Geographic as told threw the words of George Steinbeck and through the brush of Norman Rockwell.
This is a movie that lends a voice to a good chunk of the youth population. It’s a voice that just wants to be heard. Is that too much to ask?
Films: S · Reviews: S · Sucky Sequels
Like any gimmick, once the initial intrigue of the 3-D has been satiated you’re left looking at Game Over like you would with any other. And once you start looking at [it] like any other film you quickly realize it’s boring.
Once destiny is introduced into the story it deflates any sense of suspense.