X-Men: Volumes One and Two
Filled with big storylines and tons of well-defined characters, X-Men is everything one could hope for in an action cartoon.
Reviews and news from the world of film.
Filled with big storylines and tons of well-defined characters, X-Men is everything one could hope for in an action cartoon.
Focused, fun and action-packed, Disney’s Bolt proves that it doesn’t need the Pixar banner to make an excellent CG animated film.
While some of the characters are obnoxious beyond belief, the show as a whole is just as smurfy now as it was 25 years ago.
Continues to shine bright as one of the most magical and delightful films in the Disney animated library.
Far from classic but it is interesting to watch for its take on the pre-Disnified New York landscape following the company’s real estate foray into the iconic downtown core.
Demonstrates that you can modify something for current audiences while respecting the original source material.
Horton started as a book, less that 40 pages long. To make it a feature seems just a little bit wrong. The magic of Seuss isn’t quite there. It’s got the look but it’s missing some flair.
Simplicity and complexity harmonize together in cinematic zen in the instant-classic WALL-E, a film that uses technical prowess to tell a straight-forward yet far-reaching story.
Although there are many familiar elements, the overall look and feel of Transformers Animated is very different from the original show. It’s not all a bad thing just as long as I remember that I’m no longer the target audience.
It pulls out all the stops in hitting all the familiarities of the genre and spins it on its head in both a fun and intelligent way.