Sunset Boulevard
Tears away at the curtain that keeps reality away from fiction.
Reviews and news from the world of film.
Tears away at the curtain that keeps reality away from fiction.
Mixes the romantic comedy formula of an unlikely couple slowly falling in love with some classic slapstick to create a movie that’s tough not to be delighted by.
The action movie has been spoofing itself for years. Half of the time it’s no even intentional. Ben Stiller’s hilarious and surprisingly intelligent Tropic Thunder takes the genre spoof to a new extreme.
Sure, it takes a familiar road, but there’s certainly enough bubbling under the surface to keep the heart of the film relevant and appealing more than a half-century later.
Takes direct aim at the holiday and what it has become over the past five decades or so. It panders to commercialism while at the same time demanding that the “Christ” be put back into Christmas.
While it’s better than your average film in a lot of respects, it simply cannot hold up to the legacy of its predecessors.
While I’m sure profits were a big part of the conversation the Paramount suits had when deciding to green-light The Godfather Part II, but Coppola didn’t go out and bastardize the franchise. Far from it.
Coppola offers a rich and layered look at family and does so with an incredible cast and a meticulous amount of detail.
Although there are many familiar elements, the overall look and feel of Transformers Animated is very different from the original show. It’s not all a bad thing just as long as I remember that I’m no longer the target audience.
What Oliver has to say might not be the most comforting, but rather than stating the potentially inevitable as a doomsday scenario, he makes it funny, enlightening and educational.