I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown
Suffers from a lack of memorable moments. Although there’s a couple of cute spots with Snoopy, there’s little else that’s even remotely stands out.
Reviews and news from the world of film.
Suffers from a lack of memorable moments. Although there’s a couple of cute spots with Snoopy, there’s little else that’s even remotely stands out.
Dependable, funny, quirky and able to slip through the cracks because few pay attention.
A solid film of somewhat dated Cold War-era warnings of global conquest and strife filled with moments that are both dramatic and laughable at the same time.
The 1970s were a golden era for hair. Big hair, long hair, short hair, no hair, curving moustaches and bushy beards – they were all good. Today we look back[…]
They’re still fun at times and remain iconic but there’s something about these shorts where the cute factor wears thin and the stories seem to be calling it in.
Although it’s hampered by rushed pacing and some plot contrivances, Bad Ronald isn’t actually that bad.
Sticks to the familiar but he does it in such a way that it’s still extremely creepy, a little bit campy and, at times, quite a lot of fun.
More interested in the villain than the hero, First Flight is a bland look at one of the sides of the DC universe that’s normally much more interesting.
A film that has little plot until the last act, yet Carrey rises above it to bring it to an acceptable level.
While some of the characters are obnoxious beyond belief, the show as a whole is just as smurfy now as it was 25 years ago.