The Learning Tree
Film is a powerful medium that can reach and teach audiences unlike any other. The debate will always continue as to the extent with which the “teaching” side should influence[…]
Reviews and news from the world of film.
Film is a powerful medium that can reach and teach audiences unlike any other. The debate will always continue as to the extent with which the “teaching” side should influence[…]
The latest in a growing number of weepy films based on Nicholas Sparks novels that don’t come anywhere close to The Notebook.
Just enough story to be interesting and with lots of personality to stand out.
There’s nothing that stands out in any way from the script to the directing to the acting.
A cheeky look at the disdain aimed at the Ontario capital from the rest of Canada.
Marks the umpteenth comeback for Travolta. It’s a modest one, but a comeback simply because it’s watchable Travolta that doesn’t reek of a paycheck grab.
[Feels] like Hollywood execs are trying to get the Coen brothers to cash in on formulas that have proven profitable rather than letting them play.
It tells a clear story with a humorous voice, sharp imagery and an eye for nuance.
Listen close enough and you might just hear Ed Wood’s voice in the background clamoring with glee.
Films: L · Reviews: L · Sucky Sequels
I’ve got a joke for you. How many blondes does it take to make a sequel? I’ll let you write your own punchline because no matter what you come up with it’s likely to be funnier than Legally Blonde 2.